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How you'll see me when i make it

Thursday, 17 June 2010


I woke up this morning, with my new Glamour poised to read on the tube...I got to the "35 steps to happiness page"...well technically i should be around 28 steps on my way to happiness...I mean we have the usual, sun=happiness, certain foods, friends, laughing...YOGA (obvi a huge part of MY life) and then i get to the more "RAD" steps that i cant see me ever doing...por ejemplo.."When you pick up your morning coffee, pay for the person behind you too" - perhaps glamour forgot that 1-we in recovery from a recession and 2 - if i did that the person behind me man or woman would most DEFINATELY think i was coming on to them...and then you'd have to have a VERY awkward chat at the coffee collection point..No glamour no, dont get me started on what would happen if the person behind me was a school boy!!!
So also on my life list is to start running again...O MY GOD do i hate running...but i am bored of feeling saturday...i doing the park run at "bushy park" with my sis-in-law who i do hope i beat considering she'll be running with a pram! I may consider doing it everyweek...however it is at 9am on a saturday, and i do like to party...
TODAY though...a boost of my "happiness"...the proffesional yogaites called me "mrs bendy" and asked me what i do...was i a gymnast???? WELL HELLO COMPLIMENT>>>gosh that was exciting there i was thinking i was going unnoticed in these classes, everyone else being corrected or pushed..and today...FINALLY the recognition i deserved (ahem needed)!...Its great to get a compliment once in a while you a slight boost, thats one good thing about having a bf...they tend to be a running stream of compliments, us singletons have to fish for them! hahahahah....well OVER AND OUT from p green!!xxxx

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